Workers' Compensation covers all authorized medical expenses as it relates to your on-the-job injury. If you are written out of work, by an authorized treating physician, as a result of your on-the-job injury, you may be entitled to workers compensation disability benefits. Please contact your human resources department for your election of notice benefits.
It is the injured employee's responsibility to provide a work excuse to their supervisor or human resources department after each visit to a medical provider treating the employee for the on-the-job injury.
If the State Accident fund accepts the compensability of a claim, all authorized medical treatment will be paid per the regulations under the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Fee Schedule.
If the authorized treating physician has written the injured employee out of work or has given them restrictions that cannot be accommodated by their employer, that employee may be entitled to weekly wage compensation. Lost time compensation eligibility begins when an injured worker has missed more than seven days as a result of a compensable injury. An injured worker who misses 15 or more days is eligible for compensation of all dates, with an appropriate work note, from the day after the injury until they are released back to work by an authorized treating physician. An injured worker is not eligible for workers’ compensation benefits for any dates where leave was paid by the employer. Also, we do not reimburse for time missed from work to attend an authorized appointment or physical therapy.
It is the responsibility of the injured employee to provide a work status note to their employer after each authorized visit. The injured employee should contact their employer or the assigned adjuster should they have any questions regarding this eligibility.
Types of Lost Time Benefits:
Temporary Total Disability:
Temporary Total Disability is used when an injured worker is written out of work, or given work restrictions that cannot be accommodated for any amount of time. This benefit pays sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66.67%) of the employee’s average weekly wage (the compensation rate) for the time missed from work. The compensation rate is calculated by the wage records provided by the employer. The Temporary Total Disability benefit is paid weekly until the injured employee returns to work or is released from care.
Temporary Partial Disability:
Temporary Partial Disability is used when an injured employee is working reduced hours or receives a reduced wage from the employer due to the injury. This benefit pays sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66.67%) of the average weekly wage (the compensation rate) for the hours missed from work. The second type of Temporary Partial Disability is when an employee has dual employment prior to their injury and one employer is unable to accommodate their restrictions. The compensation rate is calculated by the wage records provided by the employer. This benefit is paid weekly until the injured worker returns to full-time hours, is able to return full time to all employment, or is released from care.
If you have any questions regarding your weekly benefit please e-mail and reference your full name and claim number or call us at 803-896-5800.